Black Beauty
I think everybody knows this movie even if he/she just heard it's name. Made in 1994, it has an Adventure, Drama and Family genre. It is a captivating story about the fates of horses and the people who own them, how they are more interested on money or on the pure heart of their horse.
It is a really must see movie with a lot of beautiful horses.
For more details --->>>click here!!!
Cavallo Classico
For those who have the chance to go to one of these shows I can assure you that you will not forget it for a lifetime. This show combines an orchestra, with a band and around 100 horses that will make you feel like you are dreaming.
For more details visit the official site ---> click here!
Also you can see other people reviews on their facebook page ----> click here!
Hi everybody!!!
My love for horses began when I was a little child. I was so mesmerized by this creature named "horse". I really started to beg my parents to buy me one even thought we were living in a flat on the 4th floor. In my opinion horses are pure beauty and much more.
Hope you will enjoy my blog.
I am at the beginning with this so I hope you will not judge me for my lack of experience.